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COVID-19/Coronavirus Safety Update

The health and safety of volunteers and our community is our top priority. Most of our nonprofit partners are cancelling volunteer shifts to limit the risk of exposure and community spread of Coronavirus/COVID-19, and to meet current state and city requirements for sizes of groups and social distancing guidelines. Please check your email for any updates to any volunteer shifts you may have signed up for.

To help us care for one another, we recommend volunteers follow these guidelines:

  • Please stay home if you are sick.
  • Please wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water.
  • For additional resources and recommendations please visit: OHA Emerging Respiratory Disease page: www.healthoregon.org/coronavirus

If you feel vulnerable to exposure or do not feel comfortable reporting to your scheduled volunteer shift, please notify your Volunteer Leader via email. To remove yourself from a project, please log in and click on the "My Account" tab along the top of the page. This will bring you to a summary of the upcoming projects for which you are registered. Find the project that you want to remove yourself from under the "Upcoming Opportunities" section at the top, and click "Remove Me" under the 'Action/Status' column.

COVID-19 Response

To view our updated COVID-19 Response page, which includes regularly updated partner volunteer and donation needs, and general community resources, please visit:



Common Messages