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Organization Profile
Rosewood Initiative
http://rosewoodinitiative.orgWe connect and empower Rosewood neighbors to build a safe, prosperous, vibrant and inclusive community. We are building a safe, healthy, respectful, vibrant and inclusive community that brings prosperity to everyone in Rosewood. We are empowering community members to drive meaningful, and positive change in partnership with agencies across Portland, Gresham and Multnomah County jurisdictions. Residents and businesses connect with one another to align resources and achieve shared goals. We are utilizing strengths in the community to build a positive image and future for the common good of Rosewood.
Arts & Culture, Internships & Employment, Sports & Recreation, Technology, Civic & Community, Family Services
Families, People with Health-based Concerns, Immigrants, Refugees, Low Income, People Experiencing Homelessness
Portland, OR, 97233