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Organization Profile

211info connects the people of Oregon and Southwest Washington with the health and community services they need. 211 service is free, confidential and comprehensive; by providing continually updated details on program eligibility, location, hours and services, 211info supports the nonprofit, government and faith-based agencies that improve the quality of life in their communities. 211info provides referrals for immediate needs like food, shelter and health care, while also linking clients to employment, educational and family resources that lead to long-term success. People contact 211's highly trained specialists by dialing 211 on their phones, texting their zip codes to 898211, or searching online at www.211info.org. 211info operates in all 36 Oregon counties and Clark and Skamania counties in Southwest Washington.

Civic & Community
7535 NE Ambassador Place, Suite B, Portland, OR, 97220

Common Messages