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Organization Profile

Since 1981, Operation Nightwatch has been providing radical hospitality to alleviate the isolation experienced by those living on the streets. We also distribute essential items and offer drop in mental health support to those who request it. Our hospitality center is one of the few who offer nighttime services, and for this reason acts as a “last stop” and meeting place for folks to meet their basic needs, wind down, and connect with their community.

And thanks to our Mental Health Initiative, Operation Nightwatch is able to provide free, individual counseling sessions to interested guests as well as crisis intervention.

Each Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evening beginning at 6:30pm we continue to offer hospitality by serving coffee and distributing essential supplies. We invite guests inside where they can use the bathroom, request supplies, enjoy coffee and cookies, play board games, or just rest and connect with our volunteers, staff, and friends.


Hunger & Homelessness
PO Box 4005, Portland, OR, 97208, United States

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