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Organization Profile

Kateri Park is an affordable housing community, located just south of Powell on 28th Avenue. In more than half of our apartments, the residents are refugees. The largest group is from Somalia, but we also have some Burmese and Ethiopian refugee families. The African families in particular face huge obstacles now that they live in the USA. Most of them speak very little English, and many of the adults are illiterate in any language. There are many ways to help out at Kateri and make a difference in the lives of its residents. Kateri Park is a program of Catholic Charities, which works to brings hope, resources and advocacy to the poor and most vulnerable among us regardless of faith, race, marital status or condition in life. Our activities are based upon the fundamental belief in the dignity and sanctity of human life and the principles of Catholic Social Teaching. We serve as the professional social service arm of the Archdiocese of Portland.

Civic & Community
Families, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups
Portland, OR, 97202

Common Messages