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Organization Profile

CARES Northwest


Child Abuse Response and Evaluation Services (CARES) Northwest is a collaborative, community-based medical program. CARES Northwest’s mission is to stop child abuse and neglect through multidisciplinary prevention, medical evaluation, and ongoing treatment in partnership with our community. We provide a safe, child-friendly environment for the assessment of children for whom there are concerns of physical or sexual abuse, neglect and exposure to domestic violence. Physical examinations and interviews are conducted in a comfortable environment to help children feel safe. CARES Northwest is one of the oldest and largest child abuse assessment centers in the nation, serving more than 7,000 children annually. Approximately 1,500 children are seen at the program each year. We are the only program serving Multnomah and Washington Counties; we also serve children throughout Oregon and Clark County, Washington.

Health & Wellness
Families, People with Health-based Concerns
Portland, OR, 97227

Common Messages