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Opportunity Details

Tote Bags- Virtual Volunteering for Children's Book Bank (age 6+) *Hands On*

Hands On Managed projects offer you an opportunity to join a group of volunteers on a done-in-a-day project led by a Hands On Volunteer Leader

Families are overjoyed to receive their book bundle in a charming, brand new tote bag! This makes all the bundles look gift quality and new, and having an adequate supply so that each family receives a brand new tote bag makes sure that each bundle is equal. Below you can find our pattern and instructions along with a demonstration video* for sewing a tote bag. When you sign up below, you are signing up for a drop-off tote bag date and time. You will receive additional information regarding drop-off location upon choosing a time/date.


This is a "volunteer from your home" project for the CBB. Due to our practice of physical distancing and for the safety of all, *this is not an in-person project*. When signing up you will receive instructions and coordinate a time to drop off tote bags. This is not a class -- volunteers can reach out with questions to volunteer manager, Brittany at brittany@childrensbookbank.org.

Instructions for tote bag: click here

More about the CBB:
The book gap:
For children in poverty, one of the biggest obstacles to literacy development (which begins at birth) is the scarcity of books in the home. While the ratio of books to children in middle-income neighborhoods is approximately 13 books to 1 child, the ratio in low-income neighborhoods is a mere 1 book to 300 children.

The Children’s Book Bank narrows the book gap by providing the community with a place for families donate the books their children have outgrown, moving thousands and thousands of children’s books into the homes of kids in need.


Can I bring books to donate? Yes, of course! However before bringing the book please reach out to our info email, info@childrensbookbank.org Donations we are also accepting:

  • New and gently used children’s BOARD BOOKS AND PICTURE BOOKS. We are especially excited for inclusive book donations. *No chapter books at this time* Check out our Donation Suggestions here & Supplies Wish List here.

  • Fabric for making tote bags: light cotton to heavier upholstery fabrics, canvas, denim, etc., 1- inch wide webbing, which we can provide to volunteers willing to sew bags.

Where do the books go? Children’s Book Bank partners with local agencies to identify families and children in need of books.  Last year every Head Start preschooler in Multnomah County received a bag of 15 books of their own to have at home.

COVID-19 Information:

The novel coronavirus ("COVID-19") is a contagious and potentially life-threatening disease.  Reducing the spread of COVID-19 in our community is a shared responsibility. In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 at Hands On volunteer activities, all volunteers are required to:  

  • Follow all COVID safety-rules at their volunteer site or project

  • Wash their hands, at a minimum, before and after their volunteering

  • Maintain physical distancing while volunteering, to the extent practicable

  • Wear a cloth or disposable face covering at all times while volunteering.  

Hands On appreciates your interest in volunteering to help our community in this time of extraordinary need. As part of some volunteer activities, you may risk exposure to COVID-19. If you or any member of your household is experiencing any symptom of COVID-19, or has exhibited any symptom in the past 14 days, please do not sign up for a volunteer activity at this time. Please contact the Opportunity Coordinator if you have any questions about Hands On’s COVID-19 safety rules and the expectations for volunteers. 

Keywords: free_the_future


Project Requirements:

  • Volunteers must be 6 years of age or older to attend this project; any volunteer under age 15 must attend with a parent or adult chaperone.

Click "Sign Up" below to reserve your spot! Need help signing up? Call 503-200-3355. 

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Children & Youth Education
Families, Low-income Communities, Other
Cleaning,Other,Collecting, Sorting & Packaging

Age Minimum (with Adult): 6+, Minimum Age:15+

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In order to register for this opportunity you must log in to an existing account or register to create a new account.


Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

Common Messages

Common Messages