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Opportunity Details

Get Crafty for Newborns (age 18+) *Hands On*

Hands On Managed projects offer you an opportunity to join a group of volunteers on a done-in-a-day project led by a Hands On Volunteer Leader

December 2024 location is Beaverton City Library, Meeting Room B - 1pm-3pm.
January 2025 location is Beaverton City Library, Cathy Stanton Conference Room.
February 2025 location is Beaverton City Library, Cathy Stanton Conference Room.
March 2025 location is Beaverton City Library, Meeting Room B 

How can crafting make a difference? You might wonder why all the recent fuss about knitting, crocheting, and sewing. Volunteers from the Hands On craft groups will say they love getting together to socialize with new friends and marvel over the creativity of items made. But those who really benefit from our crafting are the recipients of the handmade treasures.

Join in this project and knit, machine sew, or crochet anything baby to be donated to the Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Clinic, OHSU/ Doernbecker, Kaiser NW, and Family Promise in Hillsboro and Beaverton. A handmade item will make a loving impression on a new mom and baby. Another option - make a garment for a toddler/child/youth to be used to help diffuse trauma & negative impacts on the younger set when they have to be admitted to the hospital. 

Examples of what we make: Booties, bibs, burp cloths car seat blankets, crochet hats, blankets, for Virginia Garcia Clinic and nursing covers for the hospital etc. We make: new, single layer, tied fleece blankets for children and teens for Rose Haven and Ronald McDonald house. In the winter, we sew warm fleece hats and new seasonal crochet or knits to all ages.

​Hospitals are not accepting yarn-based items due to Covid and RSV. We provide 
newborn and hats to foster parents, midwifery ctrs., pregnancy resource ctrs.,0-5 teen-parent programs, and need based, school clothing closets.

Things to note:
1. All volunteers must know how to knit, or *MACHINE* sew, or crochet. This (unfortunately) is not an educational/teaching experience around these skills. The opporunity is group based in that volunteers come with projects in mind and materials on hand. We gather to support each other in completing projects while centering the needs of babies and their parents.
2.Volunteers will be asked to drop off the donations to the Volunter Leaders home (near Providence St. Vincent Medical Center) or make arrangements with the Volunteer Leader for donation drop off of the donated pieces. 
3. All completed donation items need to be washed prior to donation. The baby items must be scent free, please wash without a drier sheet. Hospitals do not allow donation that have scents and animal hair. All items must be cleaned for clients before drop off. Thank you!

Project Requirements:

  • Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older to attend this project.

  • Any volunteers inviting a youth guest (anyone under 18) must stay with them the entire time. The volunteer must be the youth's parent or legal guardian. 

Click "Sign Up" below to reserve your spot! Need help signing up? Call 503-200-3355 or email handson@unitedway-pdx.org

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available. Here are the next available dates and times.
Health & Wellness, Civic & Community
Families, Low-income Communities, Other

Age Minimum (with Adult): 14+, Minimum Age:18+

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Sign up with a team

This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

Signup Questions

Please respond to the following questions in order to signup for this opportunity:

Common Messages

Common Messages