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Opportunity Details

Tree Care Work Party @ the Columbia River Gorge! (age 16+) *Stand Together Week*

This event is part of the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council's initiative to proactively plan for climate change by planting and caring for species that are native to slightly south of our region. There has been extensive removal of Himalayan Blackberry completed near where we will be planting in preparation of plantings in future years. Friends of Trees is partnering with the Sandy River Basin Watershed Council, the Friends of the Sandy River Delta, and Ash Creek Forest Management with support from East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District, Metro, the US Forest Service, the Portland Trailblazers, Daimler, and PGE's Habitat Fund.

The Sandy River Delta is a multi-use recreation area open to a variety of recreation uses including equestrian use, hiking, biking, and hunting in the allowable area. It is also a very popular dog walking area! The Delta is approximately 1,500 acres of both forested woodland and open wetland areas. There has been over a decade of restoration efforts put in to this important confluence with the Columbia River. One adjacent project is the US Army Corps of Engineers which recently completed a dam removal project on the delta that will restore fish habitat at the confluence of the Sandy and Columbia rivers.

During this Tree Care Work Party, we'll complete various activities to care for recently planted baby trees and shrubs. Young trees are sensitive in their first summer, and applying mulch dramatically increases their ability to mature and thrive. One effective technique for mulching involves forming a "bucket brigade" and passing the partially-filled buckets of mulch from the mulch pile to where they're being spread around plants. Thank you very 'mulch' for attending this work party and contributing to forest health in the Columbia River Gorge!

About Friends of Trees:
Friends of Trees inspires people to improve the natural world around them through a simple solution: Planting trees. Together.  

October - May we host Saturday morning tree planting and tree care events across the greater Portland-Vancouver metro region, as well as in Salem and Eugene.  We believe everyone should have access to the benefits of trees (like clean air and water), regardless of where they live.  We strive to make our events welcoming and safe places for everyone to make a difference in their community.

What to Wear / Bring:
We kindly require all volunteers wear close-toed shoes. We recommend everyone brings a waterbottle, dresses in work clothes to be comfortable working outdoors (early June brings a wide variety of weather options!), and comes prepared to have fun!

Note: Volunteers under the age of 16 are required to attend with a parent / chaperone.

Stand Together Week is the Portland Timbers, Thorns FC, and T2 citywide volunteer initiative that brings the community together to support local nonprofit organizations. The week engages hundreds of supporters, including Timbers, Thorns FC, & T2 players, coaches, ambassadors and front office staff who work with various non-profits in the community. Since 2012, Stand Together Week participants have donated 15,371 hours of service at over 193 projects focused on benefitting youth and the environment. 

Project Requirements:

  • All volunteers under 18 are required to bring a Hands On Youth Waiver signed by their parent or legal guardian.  (print it now, fill it out, and bring it with you to save time during project check in).

  • If you plan to bring children/additional volunteers you MUST reserve slots for them. The best way to do this is to create a Volunteer Team, then sign up your team for this project. Questions? Email teams@handsonportland.org 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: You are responsible for ensuring that everyone signed up through your team attends - only sign up team members who have confirmed their availability. Teams that repeatedly sign up, but do not show up or show up with fewer volunteers than they signed up, may be removed. To add or remove team members from a project: log in to your volunteer account and click "Manage My Team" next to the appropriate upcoming opportunity.

Click "Sign Up" below to reserve your spot!
Need help signing up? Call 503-200-3355.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Animals, Other

Age Minimum (with Adult): 6+, Minimum Age:16+

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This link allows you to participate in this opportunity with a team. A team can be a family team, corporate team, or any kind of organized group. When you click on the link you will have the option to:

  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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