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Opportunity Details

Play Grow Learn Night at Friends of The Children Gym (age 5+) Referral

Our Play Grow Learn Night is a collaborative evening between Human Solutions' no-turn away shelter the Family Center, Reynolds School, Rosewood Community Center and Friends of the Children.

Since the start of this project, we have had upwards of 45 shelter kids attend each Tuesday, all very enthusiastic to play and create community in a gym just for them. The night offers time away from the stressful shelter atmosphere, and allows kids to engage with sports and gym activities, as well as make friends and learn from community leaders, teachers and parents. On one half of the gym, 5th graders and older kids play basketball with community coaches. On the other side, children under 5th grade play games.

We are seeking volunteers to come to play games with our kiddos, supervise the children and provide an hour of fun and learning to the kids! Volunteers will meet at the gym around 7:15pm, help our Reynold's School Representative set up, and engage with the children through cooperative play for 1 hour.

We are hoping that volunteers can commit to a month at a time (4-5 gym nights) so that our kids have some consistency and familiarity with the chaperones.

Volunteers who participate in Play Learn Grow Night will not only have a blast playing with school-age youth, but will gain deeper understanding of the issues facing youth struggling with poverty and homelessness. Volunteers will have the opportunity to help expand our programming, develop games and activities based on children's development and need.

A background check run by Human Solutions is required for this position.

The mission of Human Solutions is to help low-income and homeless families and individuals gain self-sufficiency by providing affordable housing, family support services, job readiness training and economic development opportunities. At Human Solutions, our vision is to foster a prosperous and healthy community free of homelessness and poverty. Play Learn Grow Night helps us achieve this mission by providing youth experiencing poverty and homelessness community support and modelling leadership skills, cooperative play and teamwork. Volunteers make this night possible!

Keywords: East_County, free_the_future


Opportunity Requirements:

  • Volunteers must be 5 years of age or older to participate in this opportunity; any volunteer under age 18 must attend with a parent or adult chaperone.

  • ?Volunteers must pass a Human Solutions background check.

Click on "Express Interest" below if you are interested in helping out!

**This is a Referral Opportunity, which means it is run directly by one of our nonprofit partners. Once you express interest, someone from the partner organization should follow up with you shortly to discuss confirming you as a volunteer for this opportunity.

**Please note, your hours may not be recorded in your Hands On Greater Portland account since this is a partner-managed opportunity.

The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Volunteers Needed
Children & Youth Education, Hunger & Homelessness
Families, Homeless, Low-income Communities, Immigrants, Refugees or Ethnic Groups

Age Minimum (with Adult): 5+, Minimum Age:18+

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  • Choose an existing team you're already a member or captain of, or
  • Create a new team to sign up.

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