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WE BELIEVE that doing good transforms our community and each of us individually. This belief comes alive when we connect volunteers with meaningful ways to help.

Become a Volunteer!

Looking for our Youth Volunteer Waiver? - Download it here

Lend a Hand

Visit our Project Calendar to find a variety of "done-in-a-day" volunteer opportunities.

► Looking for some fun and meaningful ways to get the kids engaged? Learn more about our family-friendly projects!

► Need a project that you can do from home, school, or church? Check out our DIY projects!

► Want to connect to ongoing needs with our nonprofit partners? The following volunteer opportunities could use your support:

Connect with Seniors by Calling for Grocery Orders (age 18+) Referral

Eastside Grocery Delivery Drivers Needed (age 18+) Referral

Westside Grocery Delivery Drivers Needed (age 18+) Referral



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